About Me

Wisconsin, United States

Sunday, August 31, 2008

I now have a gallery

I have just figured out how to make photo albums so I can share my pictures with everyone too. Ahh, I just realized I don't know how to connectd my albums to my blog page. Maybe cause it's 3:00 in the morning. I'll try again tomorrow after church. That is if I don't loose it out there in www land somewhere .

Thursday, August 7, 2008

All those blogs

Wow, I am really impressed with the blogs I am seeing--and hearing. The music is neat, some day I'll figure how to make my blog more interesting.
The first blog I know about was from Lori, so I have to say--look what ya started. It's so neat to see the family chatting and I really have enjoyed all the pictures. Being so far away from everyone I know I miss out on A LOT so it is really great to see everyone in the pictures you have posted. I want to learn how to do that too.
Since I finished my summer classes, I have dug up all my unwanted iris' and gave them away on free cycle. (Again thanks to Lori for the connection with that group) I am in the process of getting rid of all my unwanted lillies. The ultimate goal is to find enough room around my yard to have a garden here instead of 2 miles away in the community plots. It takes too much time to run out there everyday to pick peas, beans and zuccini. I'll probably still use those plots to plan corn and carrots; the things that don't need much attention. So far I have found 198 square feet. I'm hoping my raspberries and asparagas will produce next year. My rhubarb did great and this is only the first full year it has been in the ground.
I found someone to rebuild the porch on the rental side of my house. It became an immediate must do when a friend's foot went through the floor! This handyman is also going to scrape and paint the house. I might even be able to get him to finish the repairs IN the apartment so I can get it rented out this year. The rent will sure be nice. I have been fore warned, the handyman is a drinker and doesn't always show up when he says he will and he seems to always need a little more of his pay--to buy gas. He does good work when he works. He rebuilt the porch in one day. Then he got "sick" for the next 2 days.
Next Tuesday, Stephanie, me, my assistant camp director and ten girls from our ward are going to girls camp. The theme for this year is Step forward and take your place: Spiritual bootcamp. I found some green camaflauge with silver sparkles for the camp shorts. So, the assistant camp directer and I made shorts for all the girls for "ward spirit day." I'll have to post a picture of us all in our shorts, sparkles, decals and all. Steph is a fourth year camper so she is doing the special overnight. The fourth year girls paddle out to the island and spend the night doing some reflecting and testimony building.


The SWAT Team from the local PD did some training in the house down the street. All the officers lined up behind the first guy who was holding a sheild, and they all marched to the house and "raided" it. There was a picture of a very buff sweaty guy with a big rifle just inside the door of the SWAT van.

Stuart the leprachan

Stuart the leprachan
I think he got this at Lagoon