About Me

Wisconsin, United States

Monday, July 21, 2008

Feels so good

Yesterday was a great day for us. Stuart was ordained an Elder, and, of course, given the Melchezideck Priesthood. It feels so good to have the Priesthood in my home again.
Patrick was ordained an Elder the Sunday before he went to the hospital the first time back in May.
It is so good to see them progressing in the gospel after all the ups and downs they have gone through with the gospel in their lifes.
Patrick also got his Patriarchal Blessing last fast sunday. I know he felt the spirit witness things to him a couple of times during the blessing because of the things we talked about on the way home from his appointment with the Patriarch. All I can really say is -I am going to be a grandma. (NOT IN THE NEAR FUTURE) He has things to do first.
During our talk on the way home he said he felt for a long time that Paul was not the only one I would marry. That surprised me because I don't think he has ever read my blessing, and that is something I have felt for many many years. Right now I am pondering how I can head the admonition to "remember [my] first and primary responsibility rests in the home as a mother" and still go to school because now I need to provide for my kids. Somethings are so confusing.
As for the relax/don't work so hard...The kids and I went camping for the fourth of July. It was really nice, I could have spent another day or so. I didn't get any of the things done that I should have (homework). I just sat around the camp site and visited with a friend. Today I should have spent the day studying for tomorrow's test. Instead I spent 2 hours in my garden, did some home work at that same friend's (I needed to play some phonics games with her kids) then I tried to study but spent the last few hours weeding my flowerbeds. I don't know if it was relaxing or not. The gardening should have been but I kept thinking about the test I should have been studying for. Like I have heard it said, everything gets more important than finals. Oh well, I have all night. hehehe


The SWAT Team from the local PD did some training in the house down the street. All the officers lined up behind the first guy who was holding a sheild, and they all marched to the house and "raided" it. There was a picture of a very buff sweaty guy with a big rifle just inside the door of the SWAT van.

Stuart the leprachan

Stuart the leprachan
I think he got this at Lagoon