About Me

Wisconsin, United States

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I was just thinking

This summer I had a chance to do some things I haven't been able to do in quite a long time. Seemed like forever!!! I planted a garden and did some sewing. These two activities made me think about when I had more time for these things...like when my kids were small...like when I wasn't in school. Then I thought about all my sisters and how they are living their lives right now. Although I felt, I know that what I am doing right now is the right thing for me. Aside from that, I could see how "back in the day I was raising my family" and they (my sisters) were going to school, I was finding all kinds of great recipes and doing all kinds of fun things with my kids, and my sisters were making meals from a box (remember the mac and cheese?) and going nowhere for any length of time. Now I cook meals from a box, or the kids do, we go nowhere for any length of time and my kids pretty much are on thier own. Meanwhile, my sisters are finding all kinds of great recipes and doing all kinds of fun things with their kids. Just something I have been thinking about. I can't wait to get back to having time to do some fun stuff.


The SWAT Team from the local PD did some training in the house down the street. All the officers lined up behind the first guy who was holding a sheild, and they all marched to the house and "raided" it. There was a picture of a very buff sweaty guy with a big rifle just inside the door of the SWAT van.

Stuart the leprachan

Stuart the leprachan
I think he got this at Lagoon