About Me

Wisconsin, United States

Sunday, August 31, 2008

I now have a gallery

I have just figured out how to make photo albums so I can share my pictures with everyone too. Ahh, I just realized I don't know how to connectd my albums to my blog page. Maybe cause it's 3:00 in the morning. I'll try again tomorrow after church. That is if I don't loose it out there in www land somewhere .


The SWAT Team from the local PD did some training in the house down the street. All the officers lined up behind the first guy who was holding a sheild, and they all marched to the house and "raided" it. There was a picture of a very buff sweaty guy with a big rifle just inside the door of the SWAT van.

Stuart the leprachan

Stuart the leprachan
I think he got this at Lagoon